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Transoral Robotic Surgery Has Cost Savings Of US$5,266 When Evaluated Against Open Surgery

Key Takeaways:​


  1. 18 patients who were treated with the TORS procedure were compared to 29 patients who underwent the lip split mandibulotomy procedure. These 2 groups of patients were chosen based on their highly similar patient characteristics: age, sex, tumour subsite, nodal status, p16 positivity, smoking and T-stage.

  2. The average duration of operation for TORS (15 hours) is similar to that of lip split mandibulotomy (15.5 hours).

  3. Patients who received the TORS procedure have a significantly shorter duration of hospital stay (14.4 days) as compared to patients who received the lip split mandibulotomy procedure (19.7 days).

  4. The TORS procedure has a cost savings of US$5,266 (CAD$6,409) when compared to the lip split mandibulotomy approach.

Credits: Biron, V. L., O’Connell, D. A., Barber, B., Clark, J. M., Andrews, C., Jeffery, C. C., Côté, D. W. J., Harris, J., Seikaly, H. (2017). Transoral robotic surgery with radial forearm free flap reconstruction: case control Analysis. Journal of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery, 46(1). doi: 10.1186/s40463-017-0196-0

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