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Next Generation Surgical Robotics Platform

Reach  |  Visualize  |  Control

Meeting the Market Demands

Every year, millions of patients worldwide are diagnosed with oropharyngeal cancer and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).






The traditional surgical treatment is the lip split mandibulotomy. In this technique, a deep incision is made through the jawbone, releasing the soft tissues in the mouth for the open surgery. This surgery results in serious complications such as speech impairment and swallowing difficulties.

For patients with oropharyngeal cancer




Their airways are repeatedly obstructed during sleep, and this will cause severe cardiovascular complications if left untreated. In OSA patients with obstructive oropharyngeal tissues, there are presently no effective means to safely remove this tissue to improve the outcome of these patients.

For patients with OSA

Man Sleeping

There has been a call for a transoral robotic surgery (TORS) system from Head and Neck surgeons due to the high complexity of the human anatomy around the mouth-throat region. 

Transforming Head and Neck Surgery

Iota Nex is an ultra-flexible single-port surgical robot that allows minimally invasive surgery to be performed through the natural orifices of the human body.


Flexible Surgical Robot

The surgical robot has a flexible parallel neck that will enable it to reach the base of the tongue, tonsils, or even deeper, at the pharynx and larynx regions.


The tip of the robot houses 2 surgical instruments: grasper and monopolar electrocautery, together with an adjustable imaging module. The grasper is used for gripping and the monopolar electrocautery is used for cutting of tissues during TORS.

Enhanced Visualisation

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With the adjustable imaging module attached at the end of the robotic tip, the 3D HD display monitor on the surgeon console displays a real-time video of the surgical site. This aids surgeons to be able to visualise clearly and access difficult-to-reach anatomy.

Next Generation Control and Force Sensing

The surgeon console is equipped with robotic controllers that provide 3D active force-feedback, rotation sensing and active grasping. Each controller allows the surgeon to controls the corresponding robotic arm, that translates the surgeon hand’s movement exactly to the robot. This provides surgeons with more precise control over the robot while performing the surgical procedure.

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